This article is based on a false premise that is toxic and detrimental to cinema in America.
1. Hollywood releases original films — films made from non-adapted screenplays — yearly. They outnumber sequels and superhero films yearly.
2. Mid-budget films are frequently released in theaters and on streaming despite the minority of tentpole films dominating in popularity. This is all based on facts, not opinions.
3. Over the past decade, Birdman, Spotlight, The Shape of Water, Green Book, and Everything Everywhere All Once won the Academy Award for Best Picture — all original films. Low-budget films have been critically acclaimed and nominated for awards; Moonlight, a prominent low-budget films, won Best Picture.
4. Awards for original screenplays, including the Academy Awards and Writers Guild of America, are irrefutable proof that Hollywood and other film industries release original and artistic films every year. This includes mid-budget films.
5. Superhero films only account for a minority of yearly releases.